Johnny Cash got his facts mixed up. Today is beautiful. At least, at the weather channel and such say it is. I haven't been outside yet. But I will, soon.
I have to go do somethings before Mark and I head out to Maryland. My niece is turning one year old today, so naturally we're attending a birthday party tomorrow for her. Here's some recent pictures of her.

Don't let that smile fool you. She did all this mess herself.
Reagan, her babysitted friend, isn't that active.

100% girl, pink, bows, ribbons, lace, and pictures

Her daddy's a Redskin's fan. I'm not sure why.
I do know that McKenna's only playing with the hat because it's a hat.
She's not a 'Deadskin's' fan, don't worry.
Ok, the laundry is calling my name, the dishes are chanting, and the dirt is sticking to my feet, so I must be off!
Awe....what adorable baby girls!! I love McK in all of the pink....too cute!!!