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2nd Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge: Day 3

So, Day 3. In case you've just stumbled on my blog, I'll let Kim from Dirty Diaper Laundry explain.
Today is the third full day of the Flats and Handwashing Challenge.  As a reminder, this is a 7 day Challenge where participants can only use flat cloth diapers and have to ditch their washer and dryer in favor of good ol’ fashioned handwashing.  We are close to 500 participants this year and many are blogging their journey.  You can find their posts linked at the end.
Why? Because almost every parent has had to buy diapers for their child. Some families can't afford diapers as often as needed, so they choose to either leave the baby in a diaper longer, or let bills go unpaid to buy diapers. These participants are showing everyone that, with a little bit of work, you can diaper a baby for less! If I had to do only flats, I would probably upgrade my bucket and spoon to a bigger bucket and some sort of plunger/paddle, or even a washboard.

How am I using my flats? I mostly fold them in half, then in thirds then in half again to make a pad that fits in my covers. It's quick and easy for my baby that likes to flip and scoot away if you happen to take your hands off of him! I do like to fold them origami style, and use my snappi. I watched a few other folds on YouTube and I'm going to branch out.

For night time, I pad folded one and put it in a pocket diaper. I'd rather not have a wet cloth against Gavin's skin all night long. The pocket diaper keeps him mostly feeling dry.

I'll try to update with some pictures, but if I don't blog now, while he's napping, it won't ever happen!
Check out these other bloggers and participants!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work! I keep thinking of branching out too...but between the pad and origami fold we have no problemss so why reinvent the wheel ;)
