Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


the ones i like the best

 Here's some of the diapers I've made that I like the best.

This is just a cover, which is why it's shiney :) it's ended up being really big, so I had to add some more soft velcro on the outside of the wings.

 I haven't used this one, so I don't know how well it works, but in theory it works great! it's just a fitted, non-waterproof. and will need an insert, but it's adorable!

This is an all-in-one, with no binding because I ran out, but didn't want to stop sewing! HA! It's super soft on the outside, a little pilly on the inside, but the 'wetzone' or whatever that area is is lined with the outside fleece, so it's soft on know...stuff.

On a different note, my very first commercial diaper arrived today! I saved up my swagbucks for amazon gift cards a Kushies ultra lite toddler diaper, and it came today! I washed it right away intending to use it, but I was lazy and didn't get it finished (meaning dried, too) before it was Brendon's bedtime. So, I'll have to wait until Friday at least. Sadness!


  1. I love the colours. I've made some of my own diapers, too, but I've switched to training pants recently (yes, that time comes only too quickly). Your newest follower from the Cloth Blog Hop.

  2. Great blog! I'm following you now! If you'd like to follow me back, I have a brand new blog at
