At the office, they were sure I was in early labor with some contractions I was having. I was 4 cm dilated, still at 70%, and his head still down at -1. So I guess because of all that, "they" are saying I'm not going to last the weekend. But I have my doubts. I will be very surprised if my labor starts on it's own. I just have the feeling it won't.
There you have it. Monday is the day. Monday at 5am is when we'll be showing up at the hospital. I'm sure they won't even get around to starting all their stuff until 8. That's just how hospitals are, always running late. And besides, there's going to be other women who's labor started spontaneously, and they take precedence over us inductees.
This weekend will be filled with lots of raspberry tea, pineapple, walking, and "other stuff" to try to get things going.
you had him!